Fedora Announces Innovative Crytography Policy System


New crypto policy system will offer easier configuration and more uniform security.

The Fedora project announced a new crypto policy system that could standardize and simplify the implementation of hash functions, key exchange, and cryptography tools such as TLS/SSL.
According to the Fedora wiki, the new crypto policy system will let the admin define a crpyto profile level for each user. The profile level will define a collection of cyrptography settings across a range of applications and processes. 
This change will require updates to GnuTLS, OpenSSL, and NSS libraries. 
Fedora Linux is the community-driven test bed for technologies that will someday be part of Red Hat's flagship systems. If this experiment is successful, Fedora's crypto policy system might some day make its way into Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other enterprise-level Linux distributions. 


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