
Power Budgeting in the Virtual Data Center

25.08.2011 23:08

The virtualization revolution was partly driven by a need to save on energy costs, but further improvements won't happen unless system vendors give up the old paradigms for power budgeting.

Amazon Cloud Accelerated with Memcache

23.08.2011 13:30

With a new offering Amazon seeks to accelerate websites in its cloud.

SmartOS Weds Open Solaris to Linux KVM Virtualization

17.08.2011 13:12

Joyent releases the SmartOS operating system, that brings together Open Solaris and Linux KVM.

Drizzle Database Supports ZeroMQ Messaging

17.08.2011 12:48

With its latest release the MySQL fork Drizzle supports messaging through the ZeroMQ broker.

Podcast: What's the Current State of Btrfs?

10.08.2011 09:56

Chris Mason, head of the Linux kernel team at Oracle, talks about the currrent state of the Btrfs filesystem.

Sendmail Analyzer Handles Millions of Emails a Day

10.08.2011 08:13

The latest version of the Sendmail logfile analyzer can handle higher volumes of data and Postfix logs.

HTTP Sniffer Httpry Can Now Parse IPv6

10.08.2011 07:40

In version 0.1.6 Httpry has acquired the ability to analyze IPv6 data.

EFF Releases HTTPS Everyhwere Firefox Plugin

05.08.2011 09:43

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has released the HTTPS Everywhere plugin to increase security on the web.

Microsoft Announces "BlueHat" Prize for Better Security Solutions

05.08.2011 09:25

Microsoft is offering a total of more than $250,000 in cash for innovative ways to defend computer systems against online attacks.

DRBD Management Console Can Now Handle LVM Volumes

05.08.2011 09:13

With the latest release of the DRBD management console administrators can manage logical volumes, too.