Setting up HTTP/2 on the Apache HTTP Server with PHP compatibility


Troubleshooting and Reverting

If for any reason you need to revert the entire previous process, follow the step-by-step guide in Table 4.

Table 4


Step Action
 1. Stop Apache to ensure a seamless reverting process systemctl stop apache2
 2. Delete the Protocols directive Open the Apache config file (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) and remove the line Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1
 3. Disable the HTTP/2 module a2dismod http2
 4. Disable the Proxy module a2dismod proxy
 5. Disable FastCGI Proxy module a2dismod proxy_fcgi
 6. Remove the PHP FastCGI configuration file a2disconf php7.4-fpm (remember to change the PHP version to your current number)
 7. Disable MPM Event a2dismod mpm_event
 8. Enable MPM Prefork a2enmod mpm_prefork
 9. Enable the original PHP module a2enmod php7.4 (remember to change the PHP version to your current number)
10. Start Apache again systemctl start apache2


  1. Controlling access to your proxy:

The Author

Eugenia Bahit (she/her) is a theoretical computer scientist and bilingual science writer specializing in Linux programming, software engineering, and high-performance computing.

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