Energy efficiency in the data center

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The storage share of the total data center energy budget is expected to double by 2030. More effective resource utilization for container technologies such as Kubernetes is an important building block in this context. A single technical solution to all of the above challenges is unlikely in the foreseeable future. One practicable approach is to optimize continuously all the technologies and processes involved (Table 1) for the best possible use of resources.

Table 1

Storage Efficiency Technologies

Method Technological Advantage Capacity Savings
RAID 5/6 and erasure encoding versus RAID 1 (mirroring) Data integrity without the use of complete data copies When replacing RAID 1, around 40 percent
Thin provisioning Virtualization of memory allocation From 50 percent utilization to 80 percent and more
Data deduplication Elimination of duplicate content 20 to 40 percent primary; up to 50 percent in secondary application environment
Compression Reduction of records within files or blocks 2:1 compression as standard procedure and more in individual cases, depending on the application and medium
Delta snapshots Reconstruction of different versions of a file without multiple complete data copies Given small deltas, big potential savings


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  8. Tape storage and carbon emissions:

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