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JMeter tests loads and measures performance of static and dynamic resources
Test Fast and Break Stuff
JMeter provides a lot of the expected statistics, as well as analysis that makes it easy to compare the results of different runs. To eliminate the GUI from distorting the statistics, the test should be run from the command line:
jmeter -n -t blazedemo-cmd.jmx -j blazedemo-cmd.log -l blazedemo-cmd.jtl -e -o /tmp/jmeter-report -Jhost=blazedemo.com -JThreads=1 -Jlifetime=19
The tables in (Figure 9) display all of the interesting statistics of the test in tabular format. This information is also represented in quite a few graphs including histograms (Figure 10) and response times (Figure 11), as well as many others not displayed here.
This article by no means covers all of the functionality provided by JMeter. If for any reason its functionality doesn't cover your every need, you can add your own Java code or JAR files to fill in the gaps. If one server cannot generate enough load in your test, you can set up JMeter in a primary-secondary setup which allows many different secondary servers to run your test scripts.
Examining the test script [4] should allow you to see and interact with each of these steps to see how it works. JMeter can be used in your company, no matter how small or how big.
- JMeter: http://jmeter.apache.org
- BlazeMeter demo: https://blazedemo.com
- Chrome DevTools: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/network
- Code for this article: ftp://ftp.linux-magazine.com/pub/listings/admin-magazine.com/66/
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