
Canonical Now Offers an Ubuntu Pro Image for AWS

16.12.2019 16:51

Canonical releases new version of Ubuntu for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


Amazon Announces AWS Fargate

12.12.2019 19:59

Amazon announces the release of AWS Farget for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Vulnerable Docker Instance Sought Out by Monero Malware

02.12.2019 19:38

A new vulnerability has been discovered in Docker instances that allows crypto mining.

Cumulus Networks Enhances Their Network-Specific Linux

02.12.2019 15:38

Cumulus Linux has undergone a number of big changes with the 4.0 release.

SUSE Adds SUSE Linux Enterprise to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

18.11.2019 16:52

SUSE Enterprise Linux Expands Into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

The Python Clock Has Almost Reached Zero

14.11.2019 17:09

Python 2 is about to reach its end of life.

Docker Hub Now Supports Two Factor Authentication

03.11.2019 15:32

In a move that should surprise no one, Docker Hub now allows users to enable 2 Factor Authentication for their accounts.

Hetzner Launches New Ryzen-Based Dedicated Root Servers

01.11.2019 19:25

Hosting specialist Hetzner ups their server performance with Ryzen-based server offerings.

A New Backdoor Found in Microsoft SQL Server

22.10.2019 20:56

The backdoor can be used to steal sensitive information.