Proxmox virtualization manager
Proxmox has been working for years on their virtualization manager that does not require a cloud. We look at the improved reliability and new features in version 5.0.
Better compression of web pages
Google develops a software tool that is a genuine alternative to Gzip, with improved website compression rates that save bandwidth for server operators.
Haskell framework for the web
The Yesod web framework includes a Haskell compiler on top of the standard web technologies, such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, with aggressive optimization and function checks for correctness.
Hands-on test of Windows Subsystem for Linux
If you don't want to do without the main advantages of Linux on the Windows platform, the Windows Subsystem for Linux offers another option. We delve the depths of the Linux underworld and explain how you can optimize the subsystem.
Project management with Phabricator
Bug trackers are the least thing that can be deployed to combat chaos in daily IT work. The free Phabricator software provides this service and many others.
Windows Server 2016 for small servers
Small businesses often do not need the full-blown version of Windows Server 2016. If the application scenarios are manageable, the cheaper Essentials version is the ideal solution; however, it does come with a number of restrictions.
Automated compliance testing with InSpec
Don't equate compliance through certification with security, because compliance and security are not the same. We look at automated compliance testing with InSpec for the secure operation of enterprise IT.
Correctly integrating containers
If you run microservices in containers, they are forced to communicate with each other – and with the outside world. We explain how to network pods and nodes in Kubernetes.
Combining containers and OpenStack
The OpenStack cosmos cannot ignore the trend toward containers. If you want to combine both technologies, projects like Magnum, Kolla, and Zun come into play. Which one?
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