Privileged Identity Management in Azure AD
Azure Active Directory privileged identity management provides just enough administration for admins to carry out their work, while minimizing the possibility of security breaches through privileged admin accounts.
Jenkins Configuration as Code
The move from Groovy scripts to Jenkins Configuration as Code simplifies the initialization of Jenkins and Jenkins plugins.
Scale Your Docker Containers with Docker Swarm
If you've experienced the power of a single Docker container, you're in for a treat. Thanks to Docker Swarm, you can scale that container with the help of as many nodes as you need.
A storage engine for every use case
You can choose from among a number of open source database storage engines for both general and specialized data.
Securing containers with Anchore
Anchore produces a detailed analysis of your container images for known vulnerabilities in your application and operating system packages.
Translation tool with version control
The free web-based Weblate provides coordinated web-based localization with links to version control systems that propagate translations across components within projects.
Prepare, analyze, and visualize data with R
The free R programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics is well supported, has great flexibility, and is easily automated.
Plundering treasures with Gitrob
Automate the search for passwords, secret keys, tokens, and other authentication credentials on GitHub.
Simplify integration of S3 storage with local resources
The AWS hybrid storage service, known as the Storage Gateway, provides local applications with a seamless connection to Amazon S3 storage. We explain the different gateway types and guide you through their setup.
Security with PowerShell 5
Despite the growing exploitation of PowerShell's scripting language by hackers, the tool's security features also offer a line of defense.
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