Building sustainably safe containers
The basic container images on which you base your work can often be out of date. We show you how to solve this problem and create significantly leaner containers.
Processing streaming events with Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka reads and writes events virtually in real time, and you can extend it to take on a wide range of roles in today's world of big data and event streaming.
Real-time log inspection
Teler is an intrusion detection and threat alert command-line tool that analyzes logs and identifies suspicious activity in real time.
Single sign-on with Keycloak
Google and Facebook are two of the biggest providers for single sign-on on the web, with OAuth2 and OpenID, but if you don't want to put your customers' or employees' data in their hands, Red Hat's Keycloak software lets you run your own operations with the option of integrating existing Kerberos or LDAP accounts.
Automate CentOS and RHEL installation with PXE
Red Hat delivers an installer that lets you automate the installation of RHEL and CentOS in a preboot execution environment.
HTML to database with a Perl script
A Perl script strips HTML markup, creating text files, and makes each file an entry in a database.
Managing access credentials
Most Internet services require password-protected individual accounts. A password manager can help you keep track of all your access credentials.
Securing and managing Microsoft IIS
If you use IIS on Windows servers, you can fully access the web server's features and manage it effectively with on-board tools, including the well-known Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, Windows Admin Center, and PowerShell.
Automated compliance with Chef InSpec
Chef InSpec is a practical tool for automated compliance monitoring with an intuitive, declarative scripting language.
Hardware suitable for cloud environments
If you want to build scalable clouds, you need the right hardware, but which servers are the right choice as controllers, storage, and compute nodes?
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