Tinkerbell life-cycle management
Tinkerbell specializes in bare metal deployment and life-cycle management, allowing intervention in every phase of the setup.
Self-signed certificates with Jenkins
Convince Jenkins as a Docker container to recognize self-signed certificates, verify that the instance is connecting to the correct online service, and that your traffic is transmitted in an encrypted format.
Back up virtual machines and clusters
Vembu BDR Suite provides comprehensive software that supports flexible configuration when backing up virtual production operations.
Kubernetes clusters within AWS EKS
Automated deployment of the AWS-managed Kubernetes service EKS helps you run a production Kubernetes cluster in the cloud with ease.
Unleashing Accelerated Speeds with RAM Drives
Enable and share performant block devices across a network of compute nodes with the RapidDisk kernel RAM drive module.
Forensic analysis with Autopsy and Sleuth Kit
Forensic admins can use the Autopsy digital forensics platform to perform an initial analysis of a failed system, looking for traces of a potential attack.
Run Kubernetes in a container with Kind
Create a full-blown Kubernetes cluster in a Docker container with just one command.
Manage Windows AD with PowerShell
PowerShell helpers let you automate searches in Active Directory and secure critical accounts.
IT automation with SaltStack
SaltStack is a fast and reliable modular toolbox written in Python that contains ready-made modules for many configuration management purposes.
HTTP/1.1 versus HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
HTTP/2 introduced multiplexing, resulting in superior bandwidth utilization over HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/3 solves the problem of transmission delays from packet loss by replacing TCP with QUIC.
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