Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory
Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory provides flexible rules beyond that possible with group policies alone and prevents the use of previously compromised passwords.
Chef users faced with a license change might find solace in a new open source distribution, Cinc.
For the past two years, Chef software used commercially has required a separate license. Cinc enters the scene as a free and completely compatible Chef distribution that makes it a genuine alternative.
Kubernetes for small and medium-sized enterprises
We look at the benefits of Kubernetes outside of large corporate environments.
Setting up a PXE boot server
Set up a PXE server for BIOS and UEFI clients and use it to boot Linux or Windows.
Single sign-on like the big guys
Keycloak is a robust and mature project that provides a modern single sign-on authorization experience and centralized authentication of your apps.
Tools for automation in the cloud
Automation in the cloud does not require expensive new acquisitions when tools such as Ansible, Salt, Puppet, or Chef are already in use locally and can contribute to the automatic management and orchestration of cloud workloads.
Configuring complex environments
YAML is often the language of choice when configuring complex environments. We help you get started with YAML and the YAML parser yq.
Automating network hardware
Automation of network devices can be accomplished in a number of ways: with the official approaches recommended by the manufacturers; by Cumulus Linux, an open network operating system; and with the Ansible automation platform, which can communicate with devices from any vendor.
Tracking down problems with Jaeger
The various components of cloud-native applications are always exchanging information, which makes troubleshooting difficult. The Jaeger tracing framework helps hunt down the perpetrators.
Network access control with Cisco's Identity Services Engine
Cisco's Identity Services Engine offers a scalable approach to network access control for a variety of devices.
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