Cooperation with

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Organized Collaboration offers several functions to improve organizational tasks. The role-based security system first ensures that only authorized employees can use certain functions and create and edit content elements. The settings are available under Rules in the menubar. Their use is self-explanatory: You assign dedicated access rights for different actions and elements to users and groups. To share content, just follow the Sharing link. supports enterprise workflows with an integrated workflow engine that executes n -level workflows that can be applied to any space or content type. Workflows define a formal process in groupware that targets specific collaborative activities within environments. By default, comes with a few simple approval workflows that you access under Actions . In principle, you can also extend the environment to include complex business-specific workflows with Python programming.

Conclusions offers useful features for standard tasks, but it is difficult to avoid noticing that the system has reached a certain age. Alternatives like EGroupware offer more functionality and flexibility, and connecting clients in could be easier. In principle, however, nothing stands in the way of collaboration in the enterprise with this free software.

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