A quick and easy way to deploy and manage apps in an AWS cloud.
CloudStack is a versatile cloud alternative that runs in data centers around the world but never seems to get as much press as the ever-popular OpenStack. We talked with CloudStack VP Chip Childers on the state of the CloudStack project and the road into the cloud.
VMware’s recent announcement about vCloud Hybrid Service involves expansion of the vCloud suite toward a public/hybrid cloud. In this article, we attempt to shed some light on the huge number of VMware products.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) marks a paradigm shift toward a more holistic approach for managing networking hardware. The Floodlight OpenFlow controller offers an easy and inexpensive way to experience the power of SDN.
StressLinux helps you optimize your hardware and eke out more performance from individual components.
Regularly scanning the ports on your own network prevents intruders from sneaking in, but if you have dozens or hundreds of servers, you’ll need professional help: Dr. Portscan to the rescue.
For Linux admins, SSH is one the most important tools of remote administration. SSH also works in Windows, with tools such as PuTTY or WinSSH, MobaXterm, WinSCP, or Swish.
One resource extremely important to your applications is system memory, which is why many systems use error-correcting code (ECC) memory. ECC memory can typically detect and correct single-bit memory errors, and Linux has a reporting capability that collects this information.
For years, the replacement of physical PCs with virtual PCs has been touted as a mass movement, but so far, the revolution has not taken place. We explore the background.
Anyone who has tried to to run graphics-intensive applications using an application-sharing protocol like RDP knows how miserably these technologies fail. But the PCoIP protocol and special hardware means that even heavy-duty workstations can operate remotely.
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