
Shadow Boxing  

Malicious attackers are trying to conquer your AWS castle in the cloud. To mount a strong defense, you'll need a deeper understanding of privilege escalation and shadow admin permissions.

Always on Command  

SaltStack is a fast and reliable modular toolbox written in Python that contains ready-made modules for many configuration management purposes.


HTTP/2 introduced multiplexing, resulting in superior bandwidth utilization over HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/3 solves the problem of transmission delays from packet loss by replacing TCP with QUIC.

Batten the Hatches  

Cyberattacks don't stop at the time-honored Apache HTTP server, but a smart configuration, timely updates, and carefully considered security strategies can keep it from going under.


A guide to 10x scaling in Kafka with real-world metrics for high throughput, low latency, and cross-geographic data movement.

Highly Confidential  

Granular protection for highly privileged accounts is granted by the Protected Users group in Active Directory and Kerberos authentication policies.

Stand and Deliver  

Grafana analytics and visualization dashboards plus the Prometheus monitoring and alerting tool make possible extensive custom reporting and alerting systems.

Digging In  

Windows attack surface reduction policies make significant progress in protecting your entire IT infrastructure.

Home in the Clouds  

Software from the open source OpenEBS project provides a cloud-native storage environment that makes block devices available to individual nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

Access Granted  

Log in to your account securely without a password with LDAP and a schema to establish the objects and attributes required for FIDO2 authentication.