Stack Overflow Compromised


Hackers gained access to the popular website for software developers

According to The Hacker News, a hacker gained unauthorized access to the  production version of Stack Overflow.

The attack initially exploited a bug in the development version of Stack Overflow and then escalated privileges to gain access to the product version.

The company also admitted that the intruders may have managed to access information on users. “While our overall user database was not compromised, we have identified privileged web requests that the attacker made that could have returned IP address, names, or emails for a very small number of Stack Exchange users. Our team is currently reviewing these logs and will be providing appropriate notifications to any users who are impacted,” said Mary Ferguson, VP of Engineering at Stack Overflow.

The company has taken some steps to mitigate further damage. They are terminating the unauthorized access to the system and also patching the bug that allowed the unauthorized access and escalation.



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