Red Hat Rolls out RHEL 7.1 with Clones in Pursuit


Oracle is close behind, with CentOS to follow.

Red Hat's release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 earlier this month has started the usual progression of new releases from clone distros based on RHEL. This week, Oracle announced Oracle Linux 7.1. Although Oracle Linux uses a custom kernel, the source packages are based on RHEL, and Oracle Linux therefore comes with many of the same features and updates. CentOS, another leading RHEL clone now controlled by Red Hat, hasn’t yet announced the 7.1 release.

Red Hat calls 7.1 a “minor release” of the RHEL 7 series. Still, the latest version does come with improved security, interoperability, and identity management tools. New features include CIFS filesystem support with the SSSD daemon and integrated client-side functionality for Ceph block storage.

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