OpenMP 6.0 Released
The OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) has released version 6.0 of the OpenMP API Specification.
According to the announcement, this major upgrade makes it easier to develop parallel programs and offers more fine-grained control to developers.
Updates include:
- Simplified task programming
- Enhanced device support
- Support for induction
- Support for parallelization of the latest C, C++, and Fortran language standards
- Greater user control of storage resources and memory spaces
“The OpenMP API is used in a range of fields including physics, automotive and aeronautical simulations, biotech (including drug design), automation, robotics and financial analysis. It covers the entire hardware spectrum from embedded and accelerator devices to multicore systems with shared-memory,” the announcement states.
To learn more, check out the educational videos on the OpenMP YouTube channel or visit the OpenMP website.