Obama Announces Massive TechHire Initiative


New program will “Create Pathways to Better, High-Paying Tech Jobs and Meet Urgent Employer Demand Across the U.S.”

President Barak Obama has announced a new program designed to empower and train more Americans for the IT marketplace. The new TechHire initiative offers more than $100 million in grants to promote training and active local leadership to connect qualified personal with job opportunities.
Several private sector companies have already agreed to participate by providing free training and expanding coding bootcamps to identify qualified employees. The TechHire initiative will operate at the community level. So far, 21 cities have agreed to participate in the program.

One of the goals of the TechHire program is to “expand models for training that prepare students in months and not years.” The program, which comes on the heels of recent revelations about gender and ethnic imbalance in the IT sector, will make an effort to extend the benefits of IT training to women and ethic minorities.

See the fact sheet at the White House website for more information.

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