New syslog implementation Graylog2 stores in MongoDB


A new Unix Syslog implementation gathers log information and stores them in a NoSQL database.


The delevoper Lennart Koopmann has published the first release of his Syslog-Server Graylog2. The server is written in Java and stores the data in a NoSQL database called MongoDB. A web front-end, written in Ruby/Rails allows the administrator to read and filter the logged data. Blacklists hide undesired information. For more information and some screenshots go to the Graylog2 homepage. The sourcecode is on the Github sites of server and web interface.



Loggr is a similar service to Graylog2

With similar capabilities as Graylog2, can collect your errors and more events. Loggr is a commercial alternative if hosting your own server is not ideal. Loggr is currently looking for beta testers.

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