Microsoft Visual Code in Tight Grip of Anaconda


Anaconda Distribution 5.1 comes with Visual Code Studio

Anaconda is arguably one of the most popular Python data science platforms, and Visual Studio is one of the most popular developer environments. The best of both worlds are coming closer to each other. The latest release of Anaconda Distribution (version 5.1), now includes Visual Studio Code.

When users install Anaconda for the first time, they will see an option to install VS Code, which will feature a special Anaconda extension.

“This new feature offers Anaconda users a powerful IDE to get the most out of the Python packages included in the Anaconda Distribution,” wrote Crystal Soja Product Manager at Anaconda Inc.

The bundled release of VS Code with Anaconda Distribution is the outcome of the partnership between Anaconda Inc. (the company behind Anaconda Distribution) and Microsoft. Last September, the two companies partnered to embed Anaconda into Azure Machine Learning, Visual Studio, and SQL Server.

“This is another example of Microsoft’s continued investment in the Python community,” said John Lam, a principal program manager at Microsoft.

You can download Anaconda 5.1 to experience the Visual Studio Code integration.

Microsoft Visual Code in Tight Grip of Anaconda

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