Microsoft Goes ARM


Redmond gets ready for the next wave of processor wars by porting Windows Server to the ARM chip.

Microsoft is reportedly working on an ARM version of Windows Server. According to a Bloomberg report, Redmond has a test version of Windows Server that is already running on ARM-based processors. An unidentified source reports that the software giant hasn’t decided yet whether to make the ARM version available commercially.
Windows has traditionally run on Intel-equivalent processors, and in fact, the partnership between Microsoft and Intel is what rocketed the two companies to the top of their respective markets in the first place. The step of branching out into the ARM family is thus a major development, but one that could have been predicted based on the evolution of the chip industry. ARM chips, which have long been popular in the mobile space, are gaining ground in the competition for enterprise and cloud server systems due to their low power usage. The power supply is often a major limiting factor for data centers and high-performance clusters.
Although this development is certainly a setback for Intel, it is a little early to feel sorry for them, since they still control well over 90% of the overall server market.  

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