Managing SSL/TLS Certificates at Scale


Learn about the changing demands of certificate management.

The adoption of complex infrastructure tools means “organizations have in use hundreds of thousands of machine identities secured by SSL/TLS certificates, with lifespans ranging from years to minutes,” says Mary Branscombe.

And, she explains, “manual scripts, spreadsheets and homegrown automations don’t scale to support those numbers, especially as most enterprises have poor visibility of how many certificates and machine identities they’re already using.”

In this detailed article, Branscombe describes various challenges facing organizations that need to revoke and reprovision TLS certificates at scale, noting that “NIST’s 2020 certificate lifecycle framework (SP 1800-16) is a good starting point, covering the risks and best practices for large-scale TLS server certificate management, including automated issuing, renewal, and revocation processes.”

Learn more at CIO.



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