Linux Foundation Launches Post-Quantum Cryptography Alliance


The alliance supports development and standardization of post-quantum solutions.

The Linux Foundation has announced the Post-Quantum Cryptography Alliance (PQCA), “an open and collaborative initiative to drive the advancement and adoption of post-quantum cryptography.”

“With the rapid advancements in quantum computing, the need for robust cryptographic solutions that can withstand attacks from future cryptographically-relevant quantum computers has become paramount,” the announcement says.

Launch projects include the Open Quantum Safe project, which supports the transition to quantum-resistant cryptography, and the PQ Code Package, which is focused on building “software implementations of standards-track post-quantum cryptography algorithms.”

Founding members of PQCA include Amazon Web Services, Cisco, Google, IBM, IntellectEU, Keyfactor, Kudelski IoT, Nvidia, QuSecure, SandboxAQ, and the University of Waterloo.



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