Linux 3.15 Released


Latest kernel comes with vast improvements to power management features.

Linux founder Linus Torvalds has announced the official release of Linux kernel 3.15. Pre-release versions of the latest Linux have received considerable attention for vastly superior performance on suspend and resume functions. Test have reported a 10-fold reduction in wait time for systems awakening from the suspend-to-disk state. Version 3.15 also includes some significant fixes and improvements to the kernel-based KVM virtualization system.
As always, these changes won’t have an immediate effect on the average user. Users who wish to experiment with or integrate the Linux 3.15 kernel can download it from the Linux kernel archives. Linux 3.15 will eventually make its way to your system through a future release of your favorite Linux distribution. Given the history of past problems with Linux power management, and the heralded suspend and resume improvements promised in 3.15, Linux vendors will make it a priority to ramp up support for the new kernel.

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