LinkedIn Opens APIs


New tools will help corporate users access the content on their company pages without logging in.

LinkedIn has announced that it is opening its APIs so its pages can be accessed through third-party applications. According to Senior Product Specialist Keith Cowing, "...we have extended our Company Page APIs so that all developers can enable marketers to publish content to a LinkedIn company page, monitor comments in real-time, and retrieve metrics via API."

According to Cowing's blog post, the APIs were already in use with a group of partner companies, and LinkedIn began to realize that "the opportunity existed for even broader application."

The emphasis on marketing is no surprise. In an effort to meet stockholder expectations, LinkedIn has been attempting to grow beyond its roots as an Internet business card service to encompass new revenue sources and new tools for business.

The APIs will let social networking specialists monitor, post, and manage the content of their LinkedIn pages without having to work interactively with the LinkedIn user interface. This could eventually lead to the development of LinkedIn plugins for popular content management systems.


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