LibreOffice 5.0 Arrives


The latest version of the great FOSS office suite comes with a cleaner look and better management of screen space

The Document Foundation has announced the release of the Open Source office suite LibreOffice 5.0. LibreOffice, which emerged as a fork of the OpenOffice project due to developer disagreements with OpenOffice sponsor Oracle, now comes pre-installed in most Linux systems and also serves as a popular alternative to the Microsoft Office suite for Windows and Mac OS users.

LibreOffice 5.0 includes “a significantly improved user interface, with better management of screen space and a cleaner look. In addition, it offers better interoperability with office suites such as Microsoft Office and Apple iWork, thanks to improved filters to handle non-standard formats.”

Other highlights include new spreadsheet features, more intuitive style management, and better support for mobile devices. According to Document Foundation director Michael Meeks, “Since 2010, we have gone through three different development cycles: the 3.x family, to clean the code from legacy stuff; the 4.x family, to make the suite more responsive; and the 5.x family, to make it smarter...”

You can download the latest LibreOffice from the project website, or wait for the latest version to appear in the package repository of your favorite Linux.


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