JetBrains Announces Enterprise IDE Services Suite


The suite caters to those responsible for managing an enterprise’s tech stack.

JetBrains has announced a new IDE Services suite for enterprises – a suite of five products and services aimed at simplifying management of JetBrains IDEs, enhancing productivity, and managing remote development environments.

The JetBrains IDE Services suite includes:

  • IDE Provisioner – Manage IntelliJ-based IDEs at scale
  • License Vault – Efficient management of licenses for JetBrains IDEs
  • Code With Me Enterprise – Pair programming solution for security conscious organizations
  • AI Enterprise – Leverage the power of AI and unleash developer productivity
  • CodeCanvas – Remote development orchestration that scales

“The suite caters to a range of users responsible for managing an enterprise’s tech stack purchased from JetBrains, including developer experience and developer productivity executives, CTOs, IT department leads, IT admins, and others,” says Valerie Kuzmina in the announcement blog post.




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