IANA Hands Out Recovered IPv4 Addresses


New development signals final stages of the IPv4 end-of-life saga.

The IPv4 address allocation process has reached a new stage of its endgame. According to a plan adopted in 2012 by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), fragmententary address blocks left over in IANA inventory, and any address spaces returned to the IANA will be placed in a "Recovered IPv4 Pool." When any one of the Regional Internet Registries (RIR) reaches less than a total of /9 of its available address allocation (in CIDR notation /9 is equivalent to 8,388,608 addresses), the pool will become active.
The Latin American registry LACNIC recently announced that it is down to its last /9 address block, which officially activates the Recovered IPv4 Address Pool. The five RIRs around the world will thus receive an additional allotment of IPv4 addresses to distribute to 2nd-tier address providers. However, this final barrel-scraping of IPv4 addresses will not feed the world's address appetite for long. Developers, companies, users, and Internet providers are encouraged to continue the path toward IPv6 adoption--the only long-term solution to the impending problem of IPv4 address depletion.


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