How to Use an SBOM


Learn why you need an SBOM and what to look for when you receive one.

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) plays a key role in software security and software supply chain risk management,” according to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). But, how do you use one?

“Using the SBOM you’ve been given is part of proactively managing and mitigating risk and shortening the exposure window when a vulnerability is discovered,” explains Alex Rybak. “SBOMs can best be used when augmented by a Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX), a security snapshot advisory that provides the context to understand which associated security vulnerabilities require your attention and, as importantly, which do not.”

In this article, Rybak covers the details of when you need an SBOM, how to request one, and what to look for when you receive one.

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