Google Cloud Announces Rocky Linux Customer Service Support


RHEL-based Rocky is emerging as a leading CentOS replacement

Google has announced new enterprise-level support for Rocky Linux in the Google Cloud. The company has offered purpose-built Rocky images since last year, but the latest announcement indicates a further integration of Rocky into the Google Cloud customer service experience. If you have a paid plan for customer support in the Google Cloud, you can now open a case with the support team for help with a Rocky Linux issue.

Rocky Linux is an independent Linux distro based on Red Hat Enterprise. When Red Hat announced in 2020 that it would phase out the free RHEL clone CentOS, several new distros launched with the goal of providing a free, enterprise Linux distro based on RHEL. Rocky Linux is one of the leading CentOS replacements, along with AlmaLinux.

Google and Microsoft have already announced cloud support for AlmaLinux. The addition of Rocky Linux in the Google cloud creates more options for customers and is an indication that Google thinks Rocky Linux is here to stay.


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