Canonical and Google Team Up for Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud


Canonical and Google Cloud have announced a new version of Ubuntu that allows instant access to security patching for up to 10 years.

Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud is a new platform that not only offers a 10-year maintenance commitment, but live kernel patching; Officially certified components to enable operating environments under compliance regimes such as FedRAMP, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and ISO; Certified FIPS 140-2 components; security dashboard for Security Command Center, and Managed Apps; and all standard optimizations found in the regular Ubuntu releases.

According to Jung Yang, VP and GM Compute, Google Cloud, “The availability of Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud will offer our enterprise customers the additional security and compliance services needed for their mission-critical workloads.” 

To make this even more appealing, Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud will only be 3-4.5% of your average computing costs, so the more resources you consume, the smaller percentage will go to Ubuntu Pro. So not only does Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud offer a much longer range of support, it'll help you save money on deployments at scale.

Images for Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud can now purchase directly from Google Cloud by selecting Ubuntu Pro as the operating system (from the Google Cloud Console). For more information on Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud check out the official documentation and read the Google announcement about the new offering.


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