Basho Riak CS Is Open Source


New licensing lets users download the cloud storage system for use with public or private cloud services.

Basho announced that Riak CS (Cloud Storage) is now open source. Along with this announcement, Basho also released Riak CS v1.3, the latest version of the company’s cloud storage software.

Riak CS is a multi-tenant, distributed, S3-compatible cloud storage platform that can be used to build public or private cloud services. Riak CS is built on top of Riak – an open source, distributed database that, according to the company, has been designed for: availability, fault-tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability.

Riak CS 1.3 includes a new multi-part upload capability to let users store very large files by uploading parts in parallel. It also offers enhanced control for multi-tenant environments, support for GET range requests, and the Riak CS Control tool – a standalone web administration tool for user management.

“Over the past year, Riak CS has gained new advanced capabilities and has been battle-tested in many of our customers’ and partners’ labs. Our customers have deployed Riak CS as the object storage engine inside popular cloud computing platforms, including Apache CloudStack and OpenStack. Today, by open sourcing Riak CS, we are making it easier for users to experiment with and test Riak CS, to provide rapid product feedback, and to contribute to its future capabilities,” said Greg Collins, president and CEO of Basho.

Basho Riak CS is now available for free download for the following operating systems: Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Mac, Red Hat Enterprise, Fedora, SmartOS, and Solaris. For more information, please visit the Riak docs website.


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