Banking Botnets Are Worse Than Ever


New report states that 1,400 financial institutions have faced attack since mid-2014.

Financial institutions continue to face threats from banking botnets built using trojan-style Internet attacks. The new activity occurs in spite of some recent successes with discovering and eliminating criminal botnets. According to a new report from Dell SecureWorks, users should not feel confident that the recent discoveries of the Ramnit, Shylock, and Gameover ZeuS botnets indicate a safer Internet.
Several other forms of botnets are still prevalent, led by the Citadel trojan, which reportedly attacked 1,170 unique targets. According to the report, “New threats arise with emerging technologies, and attacks on mobile banking platforms and advances in bypassing standard authentication mechanisms evolved in 2014.”

More than 90% of the trojans were aimed at US financial institutions, but the 10% aimed at the rest of the world was still enough to cause some significant losses. More that 1,400 institutions around the world reported attacks from banking trojans.

The Register offers a concise summary of the SecureWorks report on banking botnets. You can download the full report from the SecureWorks site. Be ready to provide some demographic information.


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