Arduino Adds Rasp Pi and Beaglebone to the Arduino Create Platform


Support for new architectures could lead to easier multi-platform development for IoT devices

At the Embedded Linux Conference & OpenIoT Summit, Arduino has announced support for new architectures for its Arduino Create platform for the development of IoT applications.

In an interview, Massimo Banzo, the co-founder of Arduino told me that they are looking at IoT as one of the most potential use cases and want to help the community in building projects targeting IoT. Arduino has also built a cloud, using Kubernetes and AWS to enable developers to the leverage device and cloud sides of the IoT spectrum. This announcement fits perfectly with that strategy.

Thanks to the Arduino Create platform, Arduino users can manage and program a wide range of popular Linux single-board computers like the AAEON UP board, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone as regular Arduino boards.

“With this release, Arduino extends its reach into edge computing, enabling anybody with Arduino programming experience to manage and develop complex multi-architecture IoT applications on gateways,” said Banzi. “This is an important step forward in democratizing access to the professional Internet of Things.”

In a blog post, the project said that multiple Arduino programs could run simultaneously on a Linux-based board and interact and communicate with each other, leveraging the capabilities provided by the new Arduino Connector. Moreover, IoT devices can be managed and updated remotely, independently from where they are located.



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