2024 Open Source Pros Job Survey Report Released


See what open source professionals look for in a new role.

Recently, the Open Source JobHub (OSJH) and LPI teams surveyed open source professionals to learn what they value most when seeking a new job role.

“When looking at today's tech job market, it’s important to understand the perspective of those who are building their careers with FOSS,” says Brian Osborn, Founder of OSJH, and CEO and Publisher at Linux New Media. “This survey offers much-needed insight into what those open source professionals prioritize in terms of both new opportunities and satisfaction with their current role.”

The results of this survey are now available in the free 2024 Open Source Professionals Job Survey Report.

According to the findings, those who work with free and open source software (FOSS) consider a variety of factors when seeking a new job role, including overall work-life balance, open source policy, company culture, and training and certification opportunities.

For example, 89% of respondents said they considered an employer's open source policy when making job choices.

Read the complete report at OSJH.



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