2024 Global Cybersecurity Outlook Highlights Inequities


Lack of skills and resources cited as the biggest challenge.

The 2024 Global Cybersecurity Outlook report, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), shows an increasing gap “between organizations that are cyber resilient and those that are not.”

The report, which examines “cybersecurity trends that will affect economies and societies in the year to come,” states that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are being “disproportionately affected by this disparity.”

“More than twice as many SMEs as the largest organizations say they lack the cyber resilience to meet their critical operational requirements,” the report says.


  • 52% of public organizations state that a lack of resources and skills is their biggest challenge when designing for cyber resilience.
  • The number of organizations maintaining minimum viable cyber resilience is down 30%.
  • Only 15% of all organizations are optimistic that cyber skills and education will significantly improve in the next two years.

Read more at WEF.



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