Appendix – MPI Application I/O Report from MPI Strace Analyzer

Strace Report


This report summarizes the statistics in analyzing the strace results for a series of files that have been run through the strace_analyzer. This output allows you to compare multiple strace files such as those resulting from an MPI application. The number of files used in this analysis is 8. The files are:


This report is broken into several sections. In each section a summary of the results is presented and a statistical analysis of the files relative to each other is made. In addition, the statistics for each file are also presented.

1. Time Statistics

Table 1 below is a table of the total elapsed times and IO times in seconds for each of files. 

Table 1 - Total time and IO Time (seconds)

File Total Time (secs) IO Time (secs)
  file_18590.pickle   3376.81543207 7.677231
  file_18591.pickle   3376.81946802 8.041807
  file_18592.pickle   3376.81726694 11.776699
  file_18593.pickle   3376.81776285 8.426562
  file_18594.pickle   3376.81351113 9.711714
  file_18595.pickle   3376.81144404 9.132170
  file_18596.pickle   3376.80955601 8.558956
  file_18597.pickle   3376.81430292 38.821670

Please note that the numbers in red are the maximum times (maximum total elapsed time and maximum IO time). The number below the IO time, in green, is the percentage of the total elapsed time used by IO.

The following results are the overall statistics for all of the files.

Maximum Elapsed Time: 3,376.819 seconds   file: file_18591.pickle
Minimum Elapsed Time: 3,376.810 seconds   file: file_18596.pickle
Average Total Elapsed Time = 3,376.815 seconds
Standard Deviation of Total Elapsed Time = 0.003117 seconds
Average IO Time = 12.768351 seconds (0.378% of Total Time)
Standard Deviation of IO Time = 9.919384 seconds

Figure 1 below plots the total elpased time (yellow) and the IO time (red) in seconds for all of the input files.

Figure 1 - Total time and IO Time (seconds)

Figure 1 - Total time and IO Time (seconds)

2. I/O Function Count

This section lists the I/O function command count (how many times a particular I/O command is called) for the various files. Table 2 below contains this information.

Table 2 - I/O Function Command Count

  Command     file_18590.pickle     file_18591.pickle     file_18592.pickle     file_18593.pickle     file_18594.pickle     file_18595.pickle     file_18596.pickle     file_18597.pickle  
rename 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lseek 3,848 766 2,946 762 739 738 757 3,883
fgetpos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lockf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
creat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fclose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chmod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
llseek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
close 72 70 73 70 70 72 69 121
flock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
open 77 74 78 74 74 76 73 120
lseek64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
stat64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
write 35,369 28,438 42,656 36,786 46,779 26,834 26,883 47,224
getdents 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 10
fseek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mkdir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
opendir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fsetpos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
access 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 19
ftell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fchmod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rewind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fstat 1,384 143 1,084 143 143 144 144 1,058
fcntl 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 36
stat 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 643
read 2,798 350 1,896 347 334 330 325 2,728
readdir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
unlink 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 10
rewinddir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fsync 21 21 21 21 21 22 26 31
lseekm 3,848 766 2,946 762 739 738 757 3,883
seekdir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
telldir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
scandir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The data listed in red are the maxium values. For example the data in the write row that is red is the file with the largest number of write function calls.

Figure 2 below plots the IO function count for all of the input files focusing on read(), write(), lseek() - all lseek functions, open(), and close() IO functions.

Figure 2 - IO function count for all input files for read, write, lseek, open, and close

Figure 2 - IO function count for all input files for read, write, lseek, open, and close

3. Write Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the write functions in the application. It focuses on use of the write(2) function in glibc. The pertinent details of the man pages are:

write - write to a file descriptor


ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

write() writes up to count  bytes from the buffer pointed buf  to the file referred to by the file descriptor fd .

The number of bytes written may be less than count  if, for example, there is insufficient space on the underlying physical medium, or the RLIMIT_FSIZE resource limit is encountered (see setrlimit(2)), or the call was interrupted by a signal handler after having written less than count  bytes. (See also pipe(7).)

For a seekable file (i.e., one to which lseek(2) may be applied, for example, a regular file) writing takes place at the current file offset, and the file offset is incremented by the number of bytes actually written. If the file was open(2)ed with O_APPEND, the file offset is first set to the end of the file before writing. The adjustment of the file offset and the write operation are performed as an atomic step.

POSIX requires that a read(2) which can be proved to occur after a write() has returned returns the new data. Note that not all file systems are POSIX conforming.

The information and statistics in this section focus on the write() aspects of the application. Both tabular and graphical information is provided.

Table 3 below contains information on the total number of write function calls as a function of the data transfer size. The data is presented in

Table 3 - Total Write Function calls vs. data size

  IO Size Range     Total Number
of Syscalls  
Per File Average Standard
0KB < < 1KB 248,982 31,122 7,565
1KB < < 8KB 39,426 4,928 490
8KB < < 32KB 148 18 12
32KB < < 128KB 835 104 126
128KB < < 256KB 4 0 1
256KB < < 512KB 18 2 1
512KB < < 1MB 23 2 2
1MB < < 10MB 1,335 166 235
10MB < < 100MB 2 0 0
100MB < < 1GB 0 0 0
1GB < < 10GB 0 0 0
10GB < < 100GB 0 0 0
100GB < < 1TB 0 0 0
1TB < < 10TB 0 0 0

Table 4 below contains the number of write function calls for each file.

Table 4 - Write Function calls for each file as a function of size

  IO_Size_Range     file_18590.pickle     file_18591.pickle     file_18592.pickle     file_18593.pickle     file_18594.pickle     file_18595.pickle     file_18596.pickle     file_18597.pickle  
0KB < < 1KB 30,070 23,099 37,496 31,502 42,044 22,318 22,440 40,013
1KB < < 8KB 5,105 5,144 4,968 5,094 4,566 4,358 4,294 5,897
8KB < < 32KB 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 49
32KB < < 128KB 64 64 63 61 53 47 44 439
128KB < < 256KB 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
256KB < < 512KB 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3
512KB < < 1MB 3 2 2 3 2 4 3 4
1MB < < 10MB 87 87 87 84 74 67 62 787
10MB < < 100MB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
100MB < < 1GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1GB < < 10GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10GB < < 100GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100GB < < 1TB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1TB < < 10TB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The next 5 figures plot the data contained in Table 4. The first figure, Figure 3, plots the write IO Function call Count for all of the intervals. The next 4 figures plot subsets of Figure 3. Figure 4 plots the write IO function call count for the KB range intervals. Figure 5 plots the write IO function call count for the MB range intervals. Figure 6 plots the write IO function call count for the GB range intervals. Figure 7 plots the write IO function call count for the TB range intervals.

Figure 3 - Write IO function count for all input files for all intervals

 Figure 3 - Write IO function count for all input files for all intervals
Figure 4 - Write IO function count for all input files for KB intervals

Figure 4 - Write IO function count for all input files for KB intervals
Figure 5 - Write IO function count for all input files for MB intervals

Figure 5 - Write IO function count for all input files for MB intervals
Figure 6 - Write IO function count for all input files for GB intervals

Figure 6 - Write IO function count for all input files for GB intervals
Figure 7 - Write IO function count for all input files for TB intervals

Figure 7 - Write IO function count for all input files for TB intervals

The following statistics are for the write() function for all of the files in the analysis.

Total number of Bytes written = 3,092,316,937 (3,092.317 MB)
Number of Write function calls = 290,969
Average (mean) bytes per call = 10,634.815 (bytes) (0.011 MB)
  Standard Deviation bytes per call = 151,511.125208 (bytes) (0.151511 MB)
  Mean Absolute Deviation = 159,176.444887 (bytes) (0.159176 MB)
Median Bytes per call = 58 (bytes) (0 MB)
  Median Absolute Deviation = 10,601.735722 (bytes) (0.010602 MB)
Time for slowest write function (secs) = 0.255515   file:   file_18597.pickle
  Line location in file = 5,661

Table 5 below contains the write function statistics on a per file basis.

Table 5 - Write Function statistics for each file

  metric     file_18590.pickle     file_18591.pickle     file_18592.pickle     file_18593.pickle     file_18594.pickle     file_18595.pickle     file_18596.pickle     file_18597.pickle  
  Megabytes Written   216.707618 215.797560 214.753958 210.183439 185.044082 171.302820 158.833557 1,719.693903
  Number write function calls   35,369 28,438 42,656 36,786 46,779 26,834 26,883 47,224
  Average (mean) bytes per call   6,131.210016 7,594.761737 5,037.388769 5,717.410342 3,957.738894 6,389.512122 5,913.606501 36,437.280765
  Standard Dev. bytes per call   112,719.094422 125,983.644742 102,439.613282 109,218.001236 91,426.738466 116,868.815338 112,699.730421 281,991.450114
  Mean Abs Dev bytes per call   116,747.324560 130,967.232975 105,827.358120 113,015.344928 94,075.741864 121,039.419341 116,504.573200 306,640.772077
  Median bytes per call   109 58 55 58 58 58 58 54
  Median bytes per call   6,083.299392 7,560.759414 5,007.137549 5,683.273407 3,921.769693 6,355.934204 5,879.403366 36,411.679994
  Slowest Time for write (secs)   0.084869 0.148047 0.145167 0.138244 0.140369 0.135707 0.136007 0.255515
  Line for slowest for write   1,485 1,484 1,484 1,484 1,477 1,480 1,475 5,661

 Figure 8 plots the total megabytes written for each file.   

Figure 8 - Per File Write Amount for all input files

Figure 8 - Per File Write Amount for all input files

In Figure 8 the solid blue line is the average amount written in MB across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the amount of data written in MB.

Figure 9 plots the number of write function calls for each file.

Figure 9 - Per File Write() function all input files

Figure 9 - Per File Write() function all input files

In Figure 9 the solid blue line is the average number of write() function calls across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the number of write() functions called.

4. Read Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the read functions in the application. It focuses on use of the read(2) function in glibc. The pertinent details of the man pages are:

read - read from a file descriptor


ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);

read() attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into the buffer starting at buf.

If count is zero, read() returns zero and has no other results. If count is greater than SSIZE_MAX, the result is unspecified.

The information and statistics in this section focus on the read() aspects of the application. Both tabular and graphical information is provided.

Table 6 below contains information on the number of read function calls as a function of the data transfer size. The data is presented in  

Table 6 - Read Function calls vs. data size

  IO Size Range     Total Number of
Read Syscalls
  Per File Average     Standard
0KB < < 1KB 442 55 8
1KB < < 8KB 82 10 5
8KB < < 32KB 96 12 16
32KB < < 128KB 527 65 62
128KB < < 256KB 754 94 83
256KB < < 512KB 1,658 207 167
512KB < < 1MB 2,022 252 275
1MB < < 10MB 3,328 416 631
10MB < < 100MB 3 0 0
100MB < < 1GB 0 0 0
1GB < < 10GB 0 0 0
10GB < < 100GB 0 0 0
100GB < < 1TB 0 0 0
1TB < < 10TB 0 0 0

Table 7 below contains the number of read function calls for each file.

Table 7 - Read Function calls for each file

  IO_Size_Range     file_18590.pickle     file_18591.pickle     file_18592.pickle     file_18593.pickle     file_18594.pickle     file_18595.pickle     file_18596.pickle     file_18597.pickle  
0KB < < 1KB 53 52 54 52 52 53 52 74
1KB < < 8KB 16 7 9 7 7 7 7 22
8KB < < 32KB 28 0 45 0 0 0 0 23
32KB < < 128KB 145 29 195 29 30 28 29 42
128KB < < 256KB 188 37 263 36 36 34 34 126
256KB < < 512KB 404 94 550 94 90 90 90 246
512KB < < 1MB 629 43 692 42 38 49 50 479
1MB < < 10MB 1,310 64 64 63 57 45 39 1,686
10MB < < 100MB 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
100MB < < 1GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1GB < < 10GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10GB < < 100GB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100GB < < 1TB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1TB < < 10TB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The next 5 figures plot the data contained in Table 7. The first figure, Figure 10, plots the Read IO Function Count for all of the intervals. The next 4 figures plot subsets of Figure 10. Figure 11 plots the Write IO function count for the KB range intervals. Figure 12 plots the Write IO function count for the MB range intervals. Figure 13 plots the Write IO function count for the GB range intervals. Figure 14 plots the Write IO function count for the TB range intervals.

Figure 10 - Read IO function count for all input files for all intervals

Figure 10 - Read IO function count for all input files for all intervals
Figure 11 - Read IO function count for all input files for KB intervals

 Figure 11 - Read IO function count for all input files for KB intervals

Figure 12 - Read IO function count for all input files for MB intervals

Figure 12 - Read IO function count for all input files for MB intervals

Figure 13 - Read IO function count for all input files for GB intervals

Figure 13 - Read IO function count for all input files for GB intervals
Figure 14 - Read IO function count for all input files for TB intervals

Figure 14 - Read IO function count for all input files for TB intervals

Overall summary of read functions. These statistics are for all of the files in in the analysis.

Total number of Bytes read = 7,850,388,044 (7,850.388044 MB)
Number of Read function calls = 9,108
Average (mean) bytes per call = 880,878.371185 (bytes) (0.880878 MB)
  Standard Deviation bytes per call = 721,848.996629 (bytes) (0.721849 MB)
  Mean Absolute Deviation = 573,996.685684 (bytes) (0.573997 MB)
Median Bytes per call = 672,127 (bytes) (1 MB)
  Median Absolute Deviation = 573,051.721499 (bytes) (0.573052 MB)
Time for slowest read function (secs) = 0.063513   file:   file_18595.pickle
  Line location in file = 835

Table 8 below contains the read function statistics on a per file basis.

Table 8 - Read Function statistics for each file

  metric     file_18590.pickle     file_18591.pickle     file_18592.pickle     file_18593.pickle     file_18594.pickle     file_18595.pickle     file_18596.pickle     file_18597.pickle  
  Megabytes Read   2,687.124647 198.635460 870.289438 186.226378 166.874496 163.854722 152.381284 3,425.001619
  Number read function calls   2,798 350 1,896 347 334 330 325 2,728
  Average (mean) bytes per call   968,682.280822 609,311.226994 464,898.204060 576,552.253870 538,304.825806 535,472.947712 506,250.112957 1,268,519.118148
  Standard Dev. bytes per call   635,858.277337 793,159.580972 360,037.040958 655,924.995266 610,008.385354 606,946.126746 577,456.166857 790,424.632728
  Mean Abs Dev bytes per call   573,916.058117 630,764.176524 261,314.399157 522,145.077784 476,906.209371 470,272.657084 432,054.474639 732,319.600868
  Median bytes per call   938,594 430,311 438,525 430,299 420,694 425,487 393,216 1,379,816
  Median bytes per call   533,627.598053 461,969.153374 254,478.884615 430,273.786378 404,422.677419 399,900.261438 375,047.667774 615,415.739630
  Slowest Time for read (secs)   0.041213 0.041750 0.042122 0.041713 0.040967 0.063513 0.041730 0.041423
  Line for slowest for read   845 845 845 845 845 835 845 846

Figure 15 plots the total megabytes read for each file.

Figure 15 - Per File Read Amount for all input files

Figure 15 - Per File Read Amount for all input files

In Figure 15 the solid blue line is the average amount read in MB across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the amount of data read in MB.

Figure 16 plots the number of read function calls for each file.

Figure 16 - Per File read() function all input files

Figure 16 - Per File read() function all input files

In Figure 16 the solid blue line is the average number of read() function calls across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the number of read() functions called.

5. Close Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the close() functions in the application. Below are the statistics across all files in the analysis.

Total number of close function calls for all files = 617
Average time for close function calls (secs) = 3.32437395659e-05
  Standard Deviation for close function calls (secs) = 0.000109286534399
Median close function time (secs) = 5e-06
Time for fastest close() across all files (secs): 3e-06
  file: file_18592.pickle line number: 28
Time for slowest close() across all files (secs): 0.001728
  file: file_18592.pickle line number: 12308

This section lists the close() function statistics for the input files. It also lists the fastest and slowest close() function for each file. Table 9 below contains this information

Table 9 - Close Function details - per file basis

Metric file_18590.pickle file_18591.pickle file_18592.pickle file_18593.pickle file_18594.pickle file_18595.pickle file_18596.pickle file_18597.pickle
  Number of close() calls   72 70 73 70 70 72 69 121
  Fastest close() call (secs)   0.00000400 0.00000400 0.00000300 0.00000300 0.00000400 0.00000400 0.00000400 0.00000400
  Line number of file   28 80 733 924 80 28 28 28
  Slowest close() call (secs)   0.00079300 0.00035200 0.00172800 0.00088700 0.00025400 0.00034400 0.00037100 0.00080600
  Line number of file   6,856 29,983 6,633 1,710 1,685 6,102 6,046 12,308

6. Open Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the open() functions in the application. Below are the statistics across all files in the analysis.

Total number of open function calls for all files = 646
Average time for open function calls (secs) = 0.000136857585139
  Standard Deviation for open function calls (secs) = 0.000511730042175
Median open function time (secs) = 8e-06
Time for fastest open() across all files (secs): 5e-06
  file: file_18593.pickle line number: 182
Time for slowest open() across all files (secs): 0.008109
  file: file_18596.pickle line number: 48265

This section lists the open() function statistics for the input files. It also lists the fastest and slowest open() function for each file. Table 10 below contains this information

Table 10 - Open Function details - per file basis

Metric file_18590.pickle file_18591.pickle file_18592.pickle file_18593.pickle file_18594.pickle file_18595.pickle file_18596.pickle file_18597.pickle
  Number of open() calls   77 74 78 74 74 76 73 120
  Fastest open() call (secs)   0.00000600 0.00000600 0.00000600 0.00000500 0.00000500 0.00000600 0.00000600 0.00000600
  Line number of file   62 181 181 776 406 62 62 182
  Slowest open() call (secs)   0.00392700 0.00226900 0.00195700 0.00417900 0.00418400 0.00132800 0.00810900 0.00383800
  Line number of file   35,666 29,805 45,213 38,330 48,296 28,229 28,424 48,265

7. Lseek Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the lseek() functions in the Table 11 below contains information about which files experienced a lseek() operation while performing I/O. This is done for each input file.

Table 11 - Lseek Function details - per file basis

Analysis File File Number of lseek()
file_18590.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0001 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_FlKyRG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_Nwgmhn 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_Nwgmhn 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0001 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0001h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0001 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0001h 1
  ./disk8.0001 1
  ./d3full.scr.0001 209
  ./runrsf.0001 209
file_18591.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0002 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ft2sMG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ncyzQG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ncyzQG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_Nwgmhn 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0002 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0002h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0002 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0002h 1
  ./disk8.0002 1
  ./d3full.scr.0002 209
  ./runrsf.0002 209
file_18592.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0003 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ncyzQG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_xgidSo 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_xgidSo 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0003 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0003h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0003 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0003h 1
  ./disk8.0003 1
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_DZPdOX 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_DZPdOX 209
  ./d3full.scr.0003 209
  ./runrsf.0003 209
file_18593.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0004 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_BYKhnI 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_vQZsKG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_vQZsKG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_IKgyPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_IKgyPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_xgidSo 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0004 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0004h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0004 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0004h 1
  ./disk8.0004 1
  ./d3full.scr.0004 209
  ./runrsf.0004 209
file_18594.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0005 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_IKgyPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_NG3cfn 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_NG3cfn 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0005 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0005h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0005 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0005h 1
  ./disk8.0005 1
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_H8Srd6 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_H8Srd6 209
  ./d3full.scr.0005 209
  ./runrsf.0005 209
file_18595.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0006 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_vQZsKG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4m1pPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4m1pPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_NG3cfn 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0006 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0006h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0006 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0006h 1
  ./disk8.0006 1
  ./disk8a.0006 2
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4pgr01 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4pgr01 209
  ./d3full.scr.0006 209
  ./runrsf.0006 209
file_18596.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0007 1
  /etc/localtime 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4m1pPG 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_QV00CT 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_QV00CT 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0007 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0007h 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0007 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0007h 1
  ./disk8.0007 1
  ./disk8a.0007 2
  ./d3full.scr.0007 209
  ./runrsf.0007 209
file_18597.pickle /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_zomd8c 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /etc/dat.conf 387
  /etc/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /usr/lib64/ 387
  /proc/stat 1
  /proc/stat 1
  /etc/localtime 1
  /etc/nsswitch.conf 209
  /etc/ 209
  /lib64/ 209
  /etc/passwd 209
  /etc/host.conf 209
  /etc/hosts 209
  /proc/net/dev 209
  /etc/hosts 1
  /etc/ 1
  /lib64/ 1
  /lib64/ 1
  /var/yp/binding/ 1
  /etc/hosts 1
  /var/yp/binding/ 1
  /etc/hosts 209
  /var/yp/binding/ 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/3cars/3cars_shell2_150ms.k 209
  /dev/null 1
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/d3hsp 2
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./mes0000 1
  bg_switch 2,493
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./adptmp 2,493
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./adptmp 209
  . 2,493
  mpptbin.lsda 2,493
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/ldcrvv 23
  ./d3plot 103
  ./d3thdt 10
  ./disk8.0000 269
  ./mppscr 384
  . 2,493
  ./mpptbin.lsda 23
  ./mpptbin.lsda 2,493
  ./mppscr 23
  /proc/meminfo 384
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_BYKhnI 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_BYKhnI 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ft2sMG 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_ft2sMG 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_FlKyRG 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_FlKyRG 23
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_QV00CT 23
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0000 23
  ./switch.rd 384
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0000h 23
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0000 209
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./scr0000h 23
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/./glstat 23
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/part_des 384
  ./switch.rd 2,493
  . 2,493
  ./binout0000 2,493
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/part_des 384
  /lustre/icbci001/apps/lsdyna/benchmark-file/tmp/status.out 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_DZPdOX 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_4pgr01 209
  /dev/shm/Intel_MPI_H8Srd6 209
  ./d3plot01 209
  ./d3plot02 209
  ./d3full.scr.0000 103
  ./runfull 384
  ./runfull 384
  ./runrsf.0000 103
  ./d3plot03 209

8. IOPS Statistics

This section presents statistical information about the IOPS performance while the application was running. The following statistical data is for the peak IOPS across all files.

Maximum Peak Write IOPS = 2444    file: file_18595.pickle
Maximum Peak Read IOPS = 153    file: file_18591.pickle
Maximum Peak Total IOPS = 2444    file: file_18595.pickle

Average Peak Write IOPS = 2056.75
    Standard Deviation Peak Write IOPS = 247.330623862
Average Peak Read IOPS = 139.75
    Standard Deviation Peak Read IOPS = 12.8038080273
Average Peak Total IOPS = 2058.75
    Standard Deviation Peak Total IOPS = 245.587942497

The following statistical data is for the Overall IOPS across all files. Remember that the Overall IOPS are computed as the total IOPS divided by the total application time.

Average Overall Write IOPS = 10.763581995
    Standard Deviation Overall Write IOPS = 2.36588573648
Average Overall Read IOPS = 0.329896633154
    Standard Deviation Overall Read IOPS = 0.315014380446
Average Overall Total IOPS = 11.8788340116
    Standard Deviation Overall Total IOPS = 2.9381477474

Table 12 below contains this information.

Table 12 - IOPS Summary for all files

Command file_18590.pickle file_18591.pickle file_18592.pickle file_18593.pickle file_18594.pickle file_18595.pickle file_18596.pickle file_18597.pickle
Max Write IOPS 2,099 1,647 1,903 2,322 2,444 1,835 1,996 2,208
time (secs) 66 58 75 61 70 44 57 10
Max Read IOPS 153 143 143 143 143 143 143 107
time (secs) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 2,260
Max Total IOPS 2,099 1,647 1,903 2,322 2,444 1,851 1,996 2,208
time (secs) 66 58 75 61 70 44 57 10
Overall Write IOPS 10 8 12 10 13 7 7 13
Overall Read IOPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Overall Total IOPS 12 8 14 11 14 8 8 16

Figure 17 plots the peak write IOPS for each file.

Figure 17 - Per File Peak Write IOPS for all input files

Figure 17 - Per File Peak Write IOPS for all input files

In Figure 17 the solid blue line is the average Peak Write IOPS across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the Peak Write IOPS.

Figure 18 plots the peak read IOPS for each file.

Figure 18 - Per File Peak Read IOPS for all input files

Figure 18 - Per File Peak Read IOPS for all input files

In Figure 18 the solid blue line is the average Peak Read IOPS across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the Peak Read IOPS.

Figure 19 plots the peak total IOPS for each file.

Figure 19 - Per File Peak Total IOPS for all input files

Figure 19 - Per File Peak Total IOPS for all input files

In Figure 19 the solid blue line is the average Peak Total IOPS across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the Peak Total IOPS.

Figure 20 plots the average write IOPS for each file.

Figure 20 - Per File Average Write IOPS for all input files

Figure 20 - Per File Average Write IOPS for all input files

In Figure 20 the solid blue line is the average write IOPS across all files. The two dashed blue lines show the +/- one standard deviation in the Average Write IOPS.

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