Tokutek Open Sourcing Code for TokuDB v7


Tokutek announces that the source code for TokuDB v7, the newest version of the company’s high-performance MySQL storage engine, is now freely available under the GPL License v2.

TokuDB is an open source storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB that uses Fractal Tree indexing. According to the website, TokuDB enhances performance of large databases (> 50GB) by increasing indexing speed by 10 times or more. It allows databases to scale from gigabytes to terabytes and provides “improved query performance, excellent compression, and online schema flexibility.”

Along with the open source version, known as TokuDB Community Edition, Tokutek has also announced a new TokuDB Enterprise Edition, which includes the following additional benefits: technical support that lets customers ask an unlimited number of questions via email; initial onboarding services to ensure a smooth rollout of the product; and advanced tools, such as Hot Backup, which lets backups be performed while the database is running. Pricing for the Enterprise Edition is US$ 2500/server/year.

The Community Edition of TokuDB is available now for download from the Tokutek website. A quick guide to the Github repositories is also provided. Pricing for the Enterprise Edition is US$ 2500/server/year. For more information, please visit the Tokutek website.


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