The OpenHPC Project Releases OpenHPC 3.0
The OpenHPC project has announced the release of OpenHPC 3.0. OpenHPC is a Linux Foundation collaborative project that “...initiated from a desire to aggregate a number of common ingredients required to deploy and manage High Performance Computing (HPC) Linux clusters, including provisioning tools, resource management, I/O clients, development tools, and a variety of scientific libraries.” The goal of the project is to provide Linux-based components that are easily assembled and integrated into HPC applications.
The developers list the following highlights for the latest OpenHPC 3.0 release:
- Updates to support openSUSE Leap 15.5, openEuler 22.03 and RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 9.2.
- Tech preview build of Warewulf 4.x.
- Switched to clang based Intel oneAPI compiler backend.
- Removed deprecated ADIOS package and introduced ADIOS2.
- Introduced two OpenMPI variants. One with PMIX support and one without PMIX support.
- The OpenMPI variant with PMIX support is used in the slurm based recipes.
- Introduced new compiler variant gnu13 as tech preview.
See the OpenHPC 3.0 release notes for additional information.