Strangeworks Launches Quantum Computing Initiatives


Austin-based startup unveils its vision of a portal for quantum-based services and collaboration.

Austin, TX-based Strangeworks, Inc. has announced the launch of three initiatives to improve access to quantum computing resources. The company, which was founded in 2017, views its mission as an effort to “...foster a global quantum workforce, democratize access to quantum computing, and streamline existing quantum production workflows.” The announcement is one of only two press releases at the company’s website (the other being about venture capital seed money), so these initiatives seems to mark the emergence of Strangeworks onto the public scene.

The initiatives include:

  • Strangeworks QS (Quantum Syndicate) – “a collection of hardware, software, education, and cloud service providers working to develop the implementation and testing of new quantum technologies across all industry verticals...”
  • Strangeworks QC (Quantum Computing) – “a free quantum computing ecosystem that enables researchers, developers, and enthusiasts to quickly learn, develop, and manipulate real quantum code.”
  • Strangeworks EQ (Enterprise Quantum) – “a future-proof quantum infrastructure solution that brings the power of Strangeworks QC and Strangeworks QS together with enterprise features, including granular security, IP protection, quantum machine access, resource aggregation, custom integrations, private deployments, team and project management, dedicated support, and more.”

The company says it has been beta testing the Strangeworks QC quantum platform for the past year. For more on Strangeworks and their vision, see the press release at the company’s website.


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