Registration Opens for PEARC17


New event replaces the popular XSEDE conference series.

Registration is open for the PEARC (Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing) conference, which will happen on July 9-13, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. PEARC is a reformulation of the XSEDE (eXtreme Science and Engineering Environment) conference series. PEARC17 follows in the footsteps of the XSEDE16 conference, which took place in Miami last July.

One of the reasons for renaming and rebranding the conference appears to be the presence of a number of co-sponsoring organizations in addition to XSEDE, including Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC), the Science Gateways Community Institute, the Campus Research Computing Consortium, the ACI-REF Consortium, Open Science Grid, Compute Canada, and others.

The theme for this year’s event is Sustainability, Success, and Impact. The deadline for tutorials and technical papers is March 6.

For more information, see the PEARC website.

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