Penguin Puts MATLAB in the Cloud


Mathworks’ powerful numerical analysis toolkit gets a new home in the ether.

Penguin Computing has announced that it is making the MATLAB numerical analysis system available through its POD cloud computing service.  The popular MATLAB toolkit is used by scientists and engineers around the world, Putting MATLAB in the Penguin cloud will allow teams of users to access it from anywhere and will bring high-performance scientific computing to users with limited resources in their home environment.
The addition of MATLAB adds another tool to Penguin’s online HPC offering. It also brings Matlab a step closer to the 21st century reality of the cloud economy. Mathworks currently offers cloud storage, and their website includes tutorials for getting their tools to work in the Amazon EC2 cloud. A ready-made solution in Penguin’s POD service network will help to extend the powerful MATLAB toolkit to new users and use scenarios.


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