Intel Unveils New Processor Line


Xeon Scalable series offers better performance for networking, virtualization, and storage.

Intel has announced a new line of Xeon processors. According to the company, the Xeon Scalable series is “uniquely architected for today’s evolving data center and network infrastructure.”

Like most companies, Intel is typically upbeat about new product launches, but they seem especially enthusiastic about the Xeon Scalable line, stating that the launch represents “the greatest set of data center and network processor advancements in a decade.”

The new processors reportedly provide a 1.65 times average performance boost when compared with previous Xeon models. The press release provides the following highlights:

  • artificial intelligence – delivers 2.2 times higher deep-learning training and inference compared with the previous generation
  • networking – up to 2.5 times increased IPsec forwarding rate
  • virtualization – operates up to an estimated 4.2 times more virtual machines than a four-year-old system
  • HPC – up to 2 times FLOPS/clock improvement
  • storage – processes up to 5 times more IOPS with latency reductions of up to 70%.

The Xeon Scalable series features Intel’s new mesh architecture, which according to the company, delivers high bandwidth and low latency while minimizing voltage and power use.


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