ISC is Open for Early Registration


Europe’s biggest HPC conference will occur on June 16-20 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The ISC high performance computing conference has announced that early registration is now open. ISC, Europe’s oldest and most important HPC event, will take place on June 16-20 at Messe Frankfurt, Germany and is expected to draw 3,500 visitors.

According to announcement, “Over 400 hand-picked expert speakers and 160 exhibitors, consisting of leading research centers and vendors, will greet attendees at ISC High Performance. A number of invited programs complement the Monday – Wednesday keynotes, including the Distinguished Speaker Series, the Industry Track and the Machine Learning Track. The ISC Contributed Program consists of Tutorials, Workshops, the Research Paper Sessions, Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions, Research Poster, the PhD Forum, Project Poster Sessions and Exhibitor Forums. Various social events allow attendees to get together for informal interaction.”

For more information on the event and how to register, see the ISC 2019 website.

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