ISC’13 Now Accepting Proposals and Abstracts


The 2013 International Supercomputing Conference is now accepting abstracts and tutorial proposals for ISC’13, to be held next June in Leipzig, Germany.

According to the announcement, the conference seeks high-quality research papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental, and industry research and development in the following areas: architectures, algorithms and analysis, large-scale simulations, exascale HPC, HPC in the cloud, storage and data, software Engineering in HPC, supercomputing facility, and scalable applications (50k+).

The deadline for submission of research paper abstracts is Sunday, January 27, 2013, and tutorial proposals must be submitted by Sunday, February 10, 2013. All abstracts and proposals need to be submitted via the EasyChair conference system. Full submission guidelines for ISC’13 can be found on the website.

ISC’13 will offer a five-day technical program featuring expert speakers and exhibits from leading research centers and vendors. And, an estimated 2,500 attendees and 170 exhibitors are expected to participate in the conference in Leipzig, June 16-20, 2013. For more information about ISC’13, please visit the conference website.

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