IBM's Watson Project Unveils New Tools for Medical Research


Care Manager and compliance cloud put Watson's cognitive capabilities up close and in the cloud. 

IBM's Watson team continues its expansion of the Watson Health project with the announcement of two new tools for doctors and medical research professionals.

The Watson Health Cloud for Life Sciences Compliance will “help biomedical companies bring medical innovations to market more efficiently.” Government restrictions closely regulate workloads used for critical parts of the biomedical development process. For instance, preclinical studies, clinical trial data, and marketing application data must run in a regulated environment. The Watson Health Cloud for Life Sciences Compliances offers a regulated environment for biomedical product development as a cloud service.

IBM Watson Care Manager integrates Watson's Health Services with Apple's Healthkit and ResearchKit, tools that allow medical researchers to conduct studies using an iPhone.

IBM's Watson computer is a sophisticated HPC system that became famous for winning the TV game show Jeopardy. Watson Health has started to bring Watson's deep thinking capabilities to the medical science arena. In other Watson news, IBM announced it is expanding the set of Watson cognitive APIs to include new tools for natural language, visual insights, and text-to-speech processing.

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