HPC4Mfg Program Announces $3 Million in Funding for HPC Projects


Department of Energy seeks proposals for projects that bring HPC services and expertise to US manufacturing.

The US Department of Energy has announced approximately $3 million in new funding for the HPC4Mfg program, which encourages the use of HPC techniques for US manufacturing. The new funding is for a second round of proposals for the program, which currently supports 15 HPC projects on industrial topics.

Grant recipients will use supercomputing resources at the Lawrence Livermore, Lawrence Berkeley, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. According to HPC4Mfg director Peg Folta, “We are thrilled with the response from the US manufacturing industry. This program lowers the barriers of entry for US manufacturers to adopt HPC. It makes it easier for a company to use supercomputers by not only funding access to the HPC systems, but also to experts in the use of these systems to solve complex problems.”

Applications are due by April 21. The HPC4Mfg project plans to fund 8-10 new projects. See the submission instructions at the project website.

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