GoGrid Introduces High-Performance Platform for Predictive Analytics


GoGrid has announced a new hybrid cloud solution managed through the GoGrid management portal.

GoGrid has announced the GoGrid Big Data Solution, a new hybrid cloud solution managed through the GoGrid management portal. According to the company, the GoGrid Big Data Solution is built to support high-performance analytic jobs and can be used for applications that leverage NoSQL solutions like Hadoop to serve up content via app servers.

According to the press release, GoGrid Big Data Solution includes pre-configured hardware to match requirements for running Cloudera’s Distribution of Hadoop. The bundle consists of one Name Node and three Data Nodes in a multi-rack architecture, along with GoGrid’s Professional Cloud plan. With this solution, GoGrid customers can leverage cloud servers quickly to meet sudden spikes in traffic while leveraging single-tenant infrastructure specially designed for analytical use cases.

“The GoGrid cloud is about automation and allowing customers to scale efficiently,” said Jeffrey Samuels, chief marketing officer, GoGrid. “With the introduction of the new Big Data Solution, GoGrid provides businesses with a reliable, high-performance hybrid cloud infrastructure specifically designed for Big Data workloads in the cloud.”

GoGrid’s Big Data Solution is available now as a bundle for US$ 3,800 per month. For a limited time, GoGrid is offering a 20% discount for all customers that sign up for a 12-month commitment. For more information, visit: http://www.GoGrid.com.


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