Germany’s DLR Commissions 100-Qubit Quantum Computer Based on Trapped Ion Technology


The project will be the largest of its kind in Europe with a budget of 67million Euros

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has commissioned a fully scalable trapped ion computer based on what they say will be “the most powerful chip ever developed for a quantum computer.” The commission, which has been awarded to Universal Quantum, has two parts. The first will be to build a single-chip quantum computer in order to refine the necessary chip technology. The second will be to build a multi-chip computer system that will initially consist of up to 100 qubits.

According to an announcement from Universal Quantum, “Trapped ion technology is one of the most mature approaches to building quantum computers. Experts believe that millions of qubits will be required to solve some of the most complex problems that benefit society. To achieve this, there are a few challenges: the reliable connection of chips, also called modules, as well as cooling temperatures and other engineering requirements. Universal Quantum's unique approach solves both of these issues and more, allowing modules to be connected like a jigsaw puzzle to scale to high qubit numbers, all the while requiring only moderate cooling temperatures.”

The 67Million Euro investment will also help to establish quantum computing excellence centers in Hamburg and Ulm.

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