EuroHPC Announces New Funding to Prepare for Exascale


Winners will create new applications or speed up existing applications to exascale levels

EuroHPC has issued a Call for Centers of Excellence (CoEs) to select research centers that are prepared to take concrete actions to “increase the performance of HPC applications and exploit the capabilities of exascale and post exascale computing.” Recipient centers will be tasked with writing new applications or scaling up existing applications to perform at an advanced level suitable for an exascale environment.

Applicants will submit proposals for projects within one of the following Exascale Lighthouse application areas:

  • Personalized Medicine/Digital Twin of the human body
  • Human Brain research and neurological disorders

This project is limited to “ entities established in member states and legal entities established in countries associated with the Horizon Europe that are members of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.” A maximum of two proposals will be funded. Winning proposals will receive up to 2.5Million Euros per project.


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